Vuln-Code 1 {JS}

This code series is from "Security explained by Harsh Bothra" vulnerable code:


	String searchTxt = StringEscapeUtils.escape.Html4(request.getParameter("Search"));
document.cookie = 'search=<%searchTxt%>';


Looking at how the data is passed : in the searchTxt variable via the "<% %>" code tags usually called jsp or java servlet pages to dynamically generate the servlets using java. We get to know that the variable is taking from the function escape.Html4 and that function as stated in the docs here

It states that this function doesn't filters the single quotations (') so attacker can use them to execute the payloads such as


which will look like this:



add a filter :

String searchTxt = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.getParameter("search")).replace("'","&#39;");

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